Why Lasers Will Improve the Restorative Outcomes in Your Practice
The purpose of this course is to provide background information on basic laser science. We will be focused on 2 particular lasers (Diode Multiwave 808nm -1064nm and 10,600nm CO2). After the program it is recommended that some form of hands-on training should follow the purchase of any laser.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn the basics of laser principles and Diode Science
2. Overview of CO2 Science
3. Become familiar with various Laser Applications
Dr. Robert Levine
Dr. Levine, President of GLOH,, Levine Consulting LLC and Quantum DCE. has been in the field of dentistry since 1973 and graduated from NY University. He had completed a two year general practice residency from 1973 to 1975 at the Brooklyn VA hospital and remained as a consultant from 1975 to 1985. Dr. Levine has 14 years of experience in the laser arena, both in academic and private practice. He is also a proud co-developer of the first accepted laser curriculum at an accredited US Dental School. These online dental programs thru GLOH are similar to the programs taught at the (ASDOH) pre-doc division.
- Courses by Dr. Robert Levine:
- Saturday9:00am-12:00pm, Course Code: S2, Why Lasers Will Improve the Restorative Outcomes in Your Practice